In alphabetical order...
Also featuring some NH & MA Census Records!
ABBOTT, MAINE 1860 Census
Transcibed from Micro-film, 1860 Abbott, Maine Census- Listing, dwelling, family, Names, age, sex, occupation, and birth state. 743 people. NAMES: Ames, Andrews, Bartlett, Bennett, Blanchard, Bowden, Bray, Brown, Buck, Burnham, Capen, Clark, Cleaves, Cobb, Cole, Cook, Corson, Cousins, Crediford, Crockett, Darn, Douty, Drake, Dutton, Edes, Ela, Eliot, Ellis, Eveleth, Faunce, Flint, Fogg, Foss, Gates, Goodwin, Gordin, Gowen, Greenlief, Greenwood, Hall, Ham, Hardy, Hersey, Hinds, Hiscock, Howard, Ireland, Jackson, Kendall, Kirk, Ladd, Lamphard, Leeman, Leonard, Littlefield, Lombard, Lord, Lovell, Macomber, Martin, McTholes, Merrill, Mitchell, Monroe, Moore, Morrill, Morse, Neal, Nichols, Nickerson, Paine, Pickings, Pilsbury, Pool, Race, Rand, Rice, Richardson, Rideout, Rollins, Severance, Shaw, Shipley, Smart, Snell, Staples, Stevens, Townsend, Tubbs, Walker, Warren, Waymouth, Weeks, Wells, Weentworth, Weymouth, Whitcomb, Willey, Wing, Witham, Withee, Woodman, Woods and Works. 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $9.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, listing dwelling, family, names, age, sex, occupation and BirthState. 1144 persons listed.
NAMES: Bachelder, Bailey, Benton, Berry, Bickford, Black, Bliss, Boothby, Boston, Bowers, Brown, Burnel, Burnell, Burnham, Butterfield, Cartrett, Chadbourne, Chase, Chick, Clark, Clement, Cousins, Cram, Cross, Davis, Decker, Drew, Dunn, Dyer, Elder, Fitch, Flint, Folsom, Foss, Gammon, Getchel, Gillman, Goodwin, Graffam, Guptil, Hanson, Harding, Hatch, Hill, Hoit, Ingalls, Irish, Jackson, Kelley, Kennard, Lane, Larrabee, Leonard, Liby, Lombard, Lord, Lowell, Marr, Mattocks, McCorrison, McKeen, McKenney, Milliken, Murch, Noble,Norton, Page, Paine, Parker, Patrick, Pease, Pierce, Rankin, Readon, Richardson, Ricker, Ridlon, Rilea, Roberts, Robinson, Rounds, Rowe, Sanborn, Sawyer, Smith, Spencer, Staples, Storey, Strout, Thomas, Thomes, Thompson, Thorn, Tilton, Titcomb, Tyler, Usher, Wadsworth, Walker, Weed, Weeman, Wendling, Wentworth, Wescot, Whitten, Wiggin, Winn, Woodbury, Woodsome, Wormwood, Yates and York 8 ½ x 11, softcover. $12.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, listing dwelling, family, names, age, sex, occupation and BirthState 1105 persons listed.
NAMES: Anderson, Bachelder, Bailey, Benton, Berry, Bickford, Finford, Black, Blake, Bliss, Boothby, Bowers, Boynton, Brown, Burnell, Butterfield, Carson, Cartret, Chadbourne, Chase, Chick, Cilly, Clark, Conway, Cousins, Cram, Crawford, Cressey, Cripps, Davis, Dearborn, Decker, Devin, Donihue, Dow, Drost, Dyer, Elliot, Farrar, Flint, Folsome, Foss, Gammon, Gatchell, Gates, Gillman, Goodwin, Graffam, Gran, Guptill, Haggett, Hanson, Harding, Harmon, Harris, Hayes, Hill, Horn, Hoyt, Ingalls, Irish, Jackson, Kelley, Larrabee, Lee, Libby, Lombard, Lord, Mann, Mariner, Marr, McCardel, McCorison, Miller, Milliken, Moody, Morrison, Murch, Nason, Norton, Obrion, Osgood, Paine, Parker, Pease Plhinny Pierce, Pray, Richardson, Ricker, Ridlon, Riley, Roberts, Robinson, Rounds, Rowe, Small, Sanborn, Sawyer, Schumerhorn, Smith, Spencer, Stevens, Storey, Strout, Tartwell, Thomes, Thorn, Titcomb, Tyler, Wadsworth, Walker, Ward, Warren, Webster, Weed, Wending, Wentworth, Whitney, Wiggin, Yates 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $12.00
1254 NAMES- 8 ½ X 11 soft cover $12.00
Transcribed from Micro film, listing dwelling, family, names, age, sex, occupation and BirthState. 2985 persons listed.
NAMES:Abbott, Adams, Allen, Andrews, Appleton, Atkinson, Ayer, Babb, Bacon, Bailey, Ballard, Banks, Barnard, Barrington, Bartlett, Bean, Berry, Bickford, Bird, Blair, Blake, Bolter, Boothby, Booynton, Bradbury, Breen, Brewster, Brooks,, Brundish, Brown, Bryant, Buck, Bulter, Caiston, Came, Carll, Carlton, Carpenter, Carter, Cass, Chadbourn, Chase, Chick, Clark, Clay, Cobb, Coffin, Cole, Cook, Cousins, Cram, Creasey, Cristie, Crockett, Damm, Darrah, Davis, Dean, Dearborn, Deering, Dennett, DeShon, Dike, Donnell, Douglass, Dow, Dresser, Dunn, Durry, Earle, Eastman, Eaton, Edgecomb, Edgerly, Elden, Elder, Eldridge, Elwell, Emerson, Emery, Fellows, Field, Fitch, Flanders, Flood, Fluent, Fogg, Foss, Francis, Garling, Glannis, Godny, Fogg, Goodwin, Gould, Gove, Gowing, Graffa,, Gray, Gross, Guilford, Gustin, Hackett, Hadsdon, Haines, Hale, Hambalinson, Hamblin, Hancock, Hanscomb, Hanson, Hardy, Harmon,Haseltine, Haselton, Haskell, Hawkins, Hawks, Hayes, Higgins, Hill, Hilton, Hobson, Hodsdon, Holbrook, Holmes, Hooper, Hopkinson, Hosdon, Huff, Hutchinson, Johnston, Jordan, Jose, Kendall, Knights, Lamb, Lane, Leavitt, Lewis, Libby, Linscott, Lock, Lord, Loring, Low, Lowry, Maddox, Mann, March, Marr, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mayo, McKenney, McMontry, Merrill, Meserve, Milliken, Morrill, Morris, Morton, Moulting, Moulton, Murch, Murphy, Nason, Newcomb, Nichols, Nolan, Norton, Osgood, Owen, Paine, Palmer, Parsons, Patrick, Paul, Peabody, Pennell, Perry, Phenix, Phinney, Pike, Pinkham, Porter, Prescott, Quimby, Rankins, Rann, Reed, Rice, Rich, Richards, Ridlon, Ripley, Robberts, Rogers, Rounds, Runnels, Sampson, Sanderson, Sands, Sawyer, Scribner, Shoon, Shute, Skillings, Sloper, Small,Tarbox, Thomas, Thompson, Towle, Townsend, Treadwell, Tripp, Tucker, Tuttle, Warren, Waterhouse, Waterman, Watson, Watts, Webster, Weld, Welding, Wells, Wentworth, West, Whitney, Whitten, Wiggins, Williams, Willis, Wingate, Woodman, Young. 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $17.00
Soft cover, spiral bound book listing the 1860 Freedom, NH Census. This information has been typed from Micro-film, listing, dwelling, family #, Names, Age, Sex, Occupation and BirthState of each person (921 people)
NAMES: Abbott, Allard, Andrews, Baker, Barley, Beach, Bennett, Berry, Bickford, Brooks, Carr, Chick, Corson, Cushing, Dana, Danforth, Davis, Door, Downs, Droren Drown, Durgin, Durgon, Duroy, Eaton, Eldridge, Farnsworth, Ferren, Flood, Foss, Foster, Fowler, Furbush, Garland, Godfrey, Hackett, Hammon, Hammond, Harmon, Hearn, Heath, Herriman, Hodgdon, Huckins, Huntress, Jordan, Judkins, Keazer, Kenison, Leavitt, Libby, Lock, Lord, Lougee, Lovering, Mason, McDaniel, Merrill, Meserve, Milliken, Mills, Moses, Moulton, Nason, Nealy, Nutter, Parsons, Pease, Perry, Philbrick, Philbrook, Poole, Ransell, Rice, Sanb orn, Sargent, Shaw, Skillings, Smart, Smith, Snell, Southard, Stackpole, Stacy, Stewart, Stokes, Swett, Taylor, Tweksbury,Thurston, Tidd, Topliff, Towle, Tyler, Vittam, Ward, Watson, Whitney, Wilkinson, Wood, Woodsom and Young. 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $12.00
Soft cover, spiral bound book giving the 1860 Census of Freeport, Maine.
This information has been typed from Micro-film, listing, dwelling, family #, Names, Age, Sex, Occupation and BirthState of each person.(2806 people)
NAMES: Abbott, Adams, Adderton, Aldridge, Allen, Anderson, Andrews, Armstrong, Austin, Bacon, Bailey, Banks, Bartol, Beal, Belcher, Bennett, Bibber, Bisby, Black, Bliss, Blithen, Boothby, Boutelle, Bragdon, Breen, Brewer, Brown, Bucknam, Burr, Buzzell, Byram, Cane, Cannon, Carver, Chadsey, Chandler, Chase, Clark, Clifford, Cobane, Cobb, Coffin, Collins, Conley, Converse, Coombs, Cordis, Corliss, Cotton, Cruch, Curtis, Cushing, Daneson, Davis, Dawson, Day, Dennison, Densmore, Dillingham, Donahue, Donley, Douglass, Dunham, Dunning, Durgin, Dyer, Edes, Edwards, Ells, Emery, Farr, Farwell, Fernald, Field, Firbush, Fish, Fitts, Fogg, Foley, Foss, Frank, Gerrish, Gillette, Gilman, Gilmore, Goddard, Gore, Gould, Grant, Gray, Greene, Gregg, Griffin, Gurney, Ham, Harrington, Harvey, Henderson, Hicks, Higgins, Hodgdon, Holbrook, Holden, Holm, Horn, Hoyt, Huntress, Hussey, Hyde, James, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Josselyn, Jury, Kelsey, Kendall, Kilby, Knight, Koopman, Lackey, Lamb, Lambert, Lane, Lapham, Lewis, Libby, Lincoln, Litchfield, Loring, Lovell, Lufkin, Lunt, Lyde, Maberry, Macolmber, Manan, Mann, Maxwell, McConley, McFarland, McKeen, Means, Melcher, Mereserone, Merrill, Merryman, Metcalf, Meten, Miles, Miller, Mitchell,Moore, Morrill, Morse, Munroe, Murry, Nason, Newell, Niles, Norton, Noyes, Nye, Ognard, Osgood, Owen, Paine, Patrick, Patterson, Payson, Peirce, Pettingill, Philbrook, Pinkham, Plummer, Polister, Pollard, Pope, Porter, Pratt, Prettyman, Pritham, Prout, Randall, Reed, Richardson, Ring, Ringrose, Roberts, Robinson, Rodick, Rogergs, Rounds, Royal, Sawtell, Sawyer, Scott, Shaw,Sherman, Small, Smith, Smythe, Soule, Stanwood, Staples,Stevens, Stockbridge, Stoddard, Storer, Sweat, Swift, Sylvester, Talbot, Tedford, Tenny, Thing, Thomas, Thompson, Titcomb, Toby, Todd, Tompson, Townsend, Tracy, Tripp, Tuckaburg, Turner, True, Tuttle, Tyler, Varney, Wade, Waite, Walker, Walrond, Ward, Warner, Webber, Webster, Weeman, Welch, Wells, Wengsum, Wentworth, Weston, Whitten, Wilber, Williams, Wilson, Wingram, Winslow, Woodman, Woods, Woodwroth, Wotton, Wyman 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $17.00
Transcribed from Micro-film 8 ½ x 11 soft cover book $12.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, typed, soft cover, spiral bound book, containing, dwelling, family #, names, age, sex, occupation and BirthState (2676 people listed)
NAMES: Abbott, Adams, Akers, Allan, Alod, Andrews, Atkinson, Banks, Barnes, Bartlett, Bean, Benson, Berry, Bickford, Blair, Blaisdell, Bliffam, Blunt, Boothby, Bove, Bowdoin, Bozi, Bradbury, Bradeen, Bradish, Bragdon, Bridges, Brooks, Brown, Bryant, Buck, Burnham, Burroughs, Butland, Buzzell, Carll, Carter, Chadbourn, Chisholm, Clark, Clay, Cleary, Cleaves, Clough, Cluff, Cobb, Coffin, Cole, Cook, Cousins, Crocket, Dam, Dame, Darrah, Davis, Dearborn, Decker, Deering, Demick, Dennett, Dow, Drew, Dudley, Dunbar, Dyer, Earl, Eastman, Eaton, Edgecomb, Eldon, Elwell, Emerick, Emery, Faylson, Fiske, Flood, Fogg, Ford, Foss, Foster, Fourse, French, Furgeson, Furlong, Gardner, Gennis, Getchell, Gilpatric, Good, Gooding, Goodwin, Googins,Gordon, Gould, Graffam, Grafton, Grant, Gray, Guden, Guilford, Haines, Haley, Hamblin, Hamilton, Hammond, Hanson, Hasty, Hatch, Henderson, Higgins, Hight, Hill, Hobson, Hodgsdon, Hooper, Hopkinson, Howard, Huff, Huntress, Hutchins, Ingalls, Jacobs, Jelerson, Jewell, Jewett, Johnson, Johnston, Jordan, Jose, Junkins, Kile, Kimball, Kingsbury, Knight, Lane, Libby, Linscott, Littlefield, Lock, Lorinson, Lowell, Maddox, Mann, Manson, Marean, Martin, Mason, McCorrison, McDonald, McIntire, Meader, Merrill, Meserve, Miles, Miller, Mitchell, Moors, More, Morrison, Moulton, Mulvey, Murch, Murphy, Nason, Newall, Noyes, Osgood, Otis, Palmer, Parker, Patterson, Pease, Peavey, Pennell, Perkins, Perry, Phenix, Phillips, Phinney, Pike, Pitts, Purington, Quimby, Randall, Raymond, Reed, Rhodes, Richards, Ridlon, Ripley, Roberts,Robinson, Rodgers, Ross, Rumery, Russell, Sanderson, Sands, Sargent, Sawyer, Scammon, Scott, Severance, Shirman, Simmons, Sinclair, Small, Smith, Spear, Spencer, Spring, Stanton, Staples, Stevens, Stewart, Stodard, Stotther, Strout, Sullivan, Swett, Tailor, Tarbox, Thompson, Tibbetts, Townsend, Trip, Tuomy, Tuttle, Tyler, Usher, Varnham, Wadleigh, Wakefield, Walker, Warren, Waterhouse, Waters, Wentworth, Wesmiaret, West, Weymouth, White, Whitehouse, Whitten, Williamson, Witham, Woodbury, Woodman, York, and Young. 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $22.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, soft cover, spiral bound book. Contents: dwelling, family, names, age, sex, occupation and BirthState 1154 persons.
NAMES: Aldrich, Allen, Alley, Anderson, Bagley, Bailey, Barker, Batson, Beal, Blunt, Booth, Bracket, Bryant, Caler, Campbell, Carver, Chambers, Chesterton, Church, Clark, Cochran, Coners, Cook, Crowley, Cummings, Curo, Davis, Dickey, Dobbins, Donovan, Dorr, Doyle, Drisko, Duff, Dunbar, Dunnin, Dyer, Edmunds, Emerson, Farley, Farnsworth, Faulkingham, Fielding, Fisher, Foss, French, Gillac, Goldsmith, Grover, Hall, Hinkley, Hopkins, Hunt, Johnson, Joy, Keen, Kelley, Kraus, Lamson, Leighton, Libby, Maker, Mansfield, Marston, McCarty, McDonald, McKenzie, Merchant, Mitchell, Nash, Norton, Noyes, Peabody, Peasley, Reynolds, Richardson, Rogers, Russell, Sanborn, Sawyer, Sherman, Shorey, Skinner, Smith, Steel, Stevens, Thompson, Tucker, Walker, Wallace, Wass, Watts, White, Whitney, Williams, Wilson, Woodward and True. 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $17.00
These records have been transcribed from Micro-film and typed as recorded giving Household, Family, Names, Age, Sex, Occupation, Value of property, and BirthState.
NAMES: Abbott, Allen, Anderson, Atkinson, Babb, Bangs, Bartlett, Bean, Beane, Beck, Berry, Bickford, Black, Blake, Bolden, Boody, Boothby, Boulter, Boynton, Brackett, Bradbury, Bradeen, Bragdon, Brodick, Brooks, Bullock, Burton, Carle, Carlisle, Cate, Chaney, Chase, Chick, Clark, Clay, Cleaves, Cobb, Coffin, Cole, Colomy, Cousins, Crawford, Cutter, Davis, Day, Dearborn, Deshon, Dimonck, Souglas, Drew, Durgin, Dustin, Dyer, Edgecomb, Edgerly, Edwards, Elliot, Emery, Estes, Evans, Forster, Foss, Frost, Garman, Gilkey, Gilpatric, Goodale, Gould, Gove, Graffam, Grant, Greene, Guptill, Haley, Hamblen, Hamilton, Hancock, Hanscom, Harmon, Haskell, Hasty, Haynes, Heath, Higgins, Hill, Hobson, Hodgdon, Holmes, Hooper, Hopkinson, Hoyt, Hurd, Hyde, Irish, Jacobs, Johnson, Joy, Kelly, Kennard, Kimball, Larrabee, Leavitt, Lewis, Libby,Lord, Manson, Marr, Marston, Martin, McArthur, McKenny, McLellan, Meeds, Merrifield, Merrill, Meserve, Moody, Moore, Morton, Moulton, Mulloy, Nason, Norton, Osborne, Parker, Patterson, Phinney, Pierce, Pilsbury, Plaisted, Porter, Pugsley, Purrington, Quimby, Rand, Randall, Richardson, Ridlon, Robinson, Rose, Rounds, Rowe, Sanborn, Sands, Sawyer, Schermerhorn, Seavey, Sedgley, Segon, Shackford, Small, Smith, Spencer, Staples, Stevens, Stockin, Stone, Strover, Strout, Sutton, Sweat, Tarbox, Tayulor, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Thorndike, Tibbetts, Towle, Tyler, Usher, Wadsworth, Waldron, Walker, Waterhouse, Watson, Webster, Weeman, Welch, Wentworth, Wescott, Whitmon, Williams, Winslow, Wood and Young. There are 2111 names in this book. 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $20.00.
Transcribed from micro-film 8 ½ x 11 soft cover book $15.00
Transcribed from micro-film-1208 people- 8 ½ z 11 soft cover book $12.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, listing, dwelling, family, names, age, sex, occupation and BirthState. 954 persons listed.
NAMES:Adams, Babb, Bachelder, Bickford, Blake, Boulter, Brown, Burnell, Chadbourn, Cole, Cook, Cosin, Crawford, Cross, Davis, Day, Decker, Dike, Doe, Douglas, Dyer, Emrson, Emery, Ficket, Fitch, Foss, Garey, Gray, Gurney, Haley, Hall, Hanscom, Haskel, Hasty, Hatch, Hern, Hill, Holt, Irish, Jewell, Johnson, Kennerson, Kimball, Knight, Ladd, Larrabee, Libby, Lombard, Lord, Marriner, Martin, Matthews, McDonald, McKenny, Merrill, Merryfield, Meserve, Milliken, Morrel, Nason, Newcomb, Osgood, Paine, Pendexter, Phinney, Pierce, Pike, Poor, Porter, Pray, Richardson, Ridlon, Rilea, Robbins, Robinson, Runals, Sanborn, Sawyer, Shaw, Smith, Stackpole, ‘Staples, Storer, Thorn, Tyler, Ward, Weed, Weeman, Wentworth, White, Whiting, Whitney,Whitten, Wiggin, Wight, Wingate, Winn, York and Young. 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $10.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, listing, dwelling, family, names, sex, birth month and year, birth state of person and parents, and occupation. 213 persons.
NAMES: Allen, Ballard, Bird, Blake, Brackett, Cash, Chaplin, Charles, Clement, Cole, Davis, Decker, Decormier, Dingley, Dole, Dyer, Ham, Harmon, Hastings, Higgins, Hill, Hooper, Hopkins, Hutchinson, Ingalls, Jones, Larkin, Libby, Littlefield, Lombard, Longfellow, Lowell, Marean, McGinley,McLellan, Moody, Morse, Mosby, Moulton, Murch, Nason, Nicholson, Palmer, Parker, Phinney, Poor, Priest, Rich, Ridlon, Rosenburg, Sanborn, Sawyer, Scribner, Shain, Shaw, Stanly, Thorn, Ward, Webster, Wescott 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $6.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, listing dwelling, family, names, age, sex , occupation and BirthState 1580 persons listed
NAMES: Ahurn, Albee, Allen, Anderson, Archer, Armstrong, Atus, Avery, Bagbee, Balch, Basto, Beckwith, Bedford, Berry, Beverly, Blyather, Bostwick, Boules, Bowers,Boyden, Bradbury, Bridges, Brown, Brownrig, Bryan, Bryant, Burbank, Burnam, Burns, Butler, Cada, Campbell, Canada, Carlnin, Carney, Cate, Cater, Cates, Cavino, Chaise, Chandler, Chapman, Clair, Clark, Cobb, Coil, Colins, Coneel, Conners, Conran, Cook, Cooper, Copeland, Corniff, Cothings, Cox, Craig, Crane, Crocker, Curtis, Davis, Deforest, Dery, Devaney, Dickinson, Dimpry, Dimpsey, Dirman, Doil, Colan, Donley, Donworth, Dore, Dority, Dorman, Dorre, Drew, Duglas, Dunbar, Durant, Edgcomb, Enwright, Fennoe, Fernald, Flagg, Flanery, Foss, Foster, Fowler, Gafney, Galison, Gardner, Gay, Gilasey, Gilligan, Gilman, Goodhue, Gribbin, Hadley, Hall, Ham, Hannah, Hanscomb, Haskell, Hathaway, Heard, Hemingway, Henry, Heuton, Hill, Hockings, Hoit, Holway, Howe, Hower, Howes, Huckings, Hughs, Ingalls, Inglee, Ireland, Jameson, Jenks, Johnson, Jokins, Jorden, Keilcda, Kelby, Kelley, Kingsley, Knight, Ladler, Lane, Langel, Larrabee, Lears, Lee, Lelhosse, Leighton, Leonard, Locklin, Logan, Longfellow, Loymer, Lusser, Lyon, Maker, Mallar, Mannaster, Manning, Marshal, Marston, Martin, Mason, Maxwell, McAbe, McAlby, McBride, McCay, McCormier, McDonald, McGraw, McGuinness, McGuire, McIntire, McKellar, Meserve,Miles, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, Morgan, Morse, Mowrey, Murphy, Nelson, Nickolds, Obrian, Odea, Oneal, Owen, Parlin, Peabody, Pearl, Pearson, Penaman, Pennel, Perry, Peters, Pierce Pilsbury, Pine Pineo, Poor, Pope, Porter, Preble, Pula Puttman, Quinn, Raynolds, Reed, Reese, Rice Roberts, Robinson, Sanborn, Sargent, Scofield, Scott, Shar, Simmons, Smith, Spencer, Stanton, Staples, Stephens, Steves, Stites, Stone, Storer, Stratton, Stuart, Tarce, Tenney, Thacher, Thompson, Tilsabee, Tinker, Tupper, Tyler, Upton Varney, Vose, Walker, Welch, Wentworth, West, Wetherbee, Wheaton, Whiden, Whitney, Williams,Wilson 8 ½ x 11, soft cover $17.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, encludes, dwelling, family, names, age, sex, occupation and birth state. 1511 persons listed in census.
NAMES: Ackley, Albee, Ames, Andersn, Archer, Bachelder, Bailey, Baker, Barter, Bateman, Bean, Berry, Brown, Bryant, Calligan, Campbell, Cates, Chandler, Clark, Coffin, Colbeth, Cole, Collins, Colson, Condon, Cook, Crocker, Davis, Dennison, Dey, Dodge, Dow, Driscoe, Dugan, Eaton, Emerson, Fisher, Flagg, Fletcher, Flynn, Foster, Frye, Gardner, Gatcomb, Gates, Grant, Grey, Guptail, Hadley, Hanscom, Hanson, Harvey, Higgins, Hipson, Holmes, Holway, Hooper, Hull, Huntley, Huren Ingalls, Ingersoll, Jewett, Johnson, Kelley, Kendrick, Kilton, Kinney, Lancaster, Larrabee, Lawler, Learkins, Leary, Leighton, Lewin, Libby, Lincoln, Lyons, Maddin, Marshall, Marston, McDonnel, McGue, Means, Meserve, Miller, Mitchell, Moon, Murphy, Norton, O’Neil, Page, Palmer, Palomer, Parsons, Pennel, Perkins, Peterson, Pettigrew, Phantom, Phinney, Plummer, Porter, Proctor, Quimby, Quinn, Randell, Renshaw, Rice, Richards, Robbins, Robinson, Sanborn, Sawyer, Scott, Small, Sprague,Steele, Stevens, Stuart, Sullivan, Thompson, Tobey, Trafton, Travis, Ubarde, Urquhart, Waide, Warren, Welsh, Westcott, Williams, Wood, Woodruff, Wooster, Wright and Young 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $17.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, listing dwelling, family, names, age, sex, occupation and BirthState 1411 persons listed.
NAMES: Abbott, Adams, Averill, Avery, Ayer, Beal, Benson, Berry, Blake, Bond, Boothby, Boston, Bracket, Bragg, Brooks, Burbank, Burleigh, Burnham, Burns, Burt, Buzzell, Cammet, Campernell, Carland, Carpenter, Chapman, Chase, Chatman, Chellis, Clifford, Colbert, Colby, Colcord, Cole, Conant, Copp, Cowdy, Crenner, Cummings, Dam, Dame, Damon, Davis, Day, Dennett, DeShon, Doe, Dorman, Dow, Drew, Dunnells, Durgin, Fernald, Folsom, Getchel, Gile, Giles, Goodrich, Woodwin, Gowen, Grant, Guptill, Hale, Ham, Hannaford, Hanscomb, Heath, Hartford, Hill, Hobbs, Horn, How, Howell, Huntress, Hurd, Hyde, Jamison, Jones, Keays, Kelly Kennison, Knox, Langley, Leighton, Libby, Lord, Loud, Lowe, Maddox, Manning, Marston, McIntire, McLellan, Merrow, Mitchel, Moody, Moore, Morris, Moulton, Murray, Nealy, Newbegin, Noch, Nook, Page, Parsons, Patch, Perkins, Pike, Pinkham, Piper, Preston, Quimby, Quint, Reed, Roberts, Rogers, Ross, Runnels, Sanborn, Sayward, Shaw, Shephard, Smith, Staples, Stevens, Stone, Straw, Surinerton, Symmes,Tennison, Thompson, Tibbetts, Towne, Trafton, Turner, Tuttle, Twombly, Warden, Waterhouse, Wedgewood, Weeks, Wentworth, Whitcher, Whitehouse, Whitham, Whitten, Willard, Seilson, Winn, Witham,Wood, Woodess, Wormwood, York, Young.8 ½ x 11 soft cover $15.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, listing dwelling, family, names, age, sex, occupation and BirthState. 1347 persons listed.
NAMES: Abbott, Adams, Alerson, Allard, Allen, Austin, Avery, Ayer, Beal, Benson, Blaso, Bond, Boothby, Brackett, Bray, Burbank, Burland, Burnham, Burt, Butler, Buzszell, Campernell, Carlton, Carpenter, Cash, Center, Cettaford, Chase, Chellis, Clark, Clifford, Cobbett, Colby, Cole, Colomy, Copp, Cotton, Cremer, Dam, Davis, Day, Doe, Dorman, Drew, Dunnells, Durgin, Eastman, Emery, Fay, Filton, Fish, Folsom, French, Furnald, Garland, Giles, Gilpatric, Goodwin, Grant, Ham, Hammon, Hammond, Hannaford, Hanscom, Hardy, Hasty, Hearn, Heath, Herd, Hill, Hobbs, Holt, Horn, Horne, Horr, Hume, Huntress, Jones, Keayes, Kenison, Kimball, Kinson, Knox, Lane, Langley, Leavitt, Leighton, Libby, Linscot, Littlefield, Lord, Loud, Low, Lyons, Maddox, Manning, Marston, Maxwell, McCellan, McLaren, Merrow, Mitchell, Moody, Moore, Morias, Morrison, Moulton, Murphy,Murry, Naosn, Newbegin, Orrison, Page, Palmer, Parsons, Patch, Paywrimer, Perkins, Pike, Pinkham, Piper, Pray, Priest, Putack, Quimby, Rand, Reed, Ricker, Roberts, Rogers,Ross, Rymes, Sanborn, Sawyer, Seward, Shepherd, Smith, Sprague, Staples, Stevens, Stone, Straw, Swett, Swintinter, Wymmes, Thompson, Tibbetts, Towne, Trafton, Tuttle, Twombly, Vincent, Waterhouse, Webster, Wedgewood, Wentworth, Weymouth, Whitcher, Whitehouse, Whitten, Willard, Willey, Wilson, Wood, Wormwood, York , Young 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $15.00
Transcribed from Micro-film encludes, dwelling, family, names, age, sex , occupation and birth state. 1077 names in this census.
NAMES: Allen, Barstow, Batchelder, Bates, Beals, Bennett, Blackstone, Blake, Blanchard, Bond, Boston, Bosworth, Bowe, Brooughton, Brown, Burnham, Buxton, Chadbourne, Chase, Cleaves, Cobb, Colby, Cole, Cotton, Crockett, Cunningham, Cushing, Cutter, Davis, Dole, Doten, Douglas, Drinkwater, Dunn, Eaton, Elliott, Fabor, Farwell, Fogg, Foss, Frost, Gooking, Greely, Groves, Hall, Ham, Hamilton, Harris, Haskell, Hatt, Hayes, Herrick, Hicks, Higgins, Hobart, Holbrook, Holden, Holt, Howard, Hutchins, Jackson, Jenks, Jenney, Johnson, Jordan, Kelly, Kenney, Kimball, Knight, Lamb, Lancaster, Leighton, Lombard, Loring, Lovell, Lovester, Low, Lufkin, Maguire, Marshall, Marstin, Marston, Maxfield, May, McKenney, McLellaan, Merchant, Merrill, Milliken, Mitchell, Morgan, Morril, Morse, Mountfort, Nelson, Newton, North, Noyes, Osgood, Page, Paine, Parker, Parsons, Perley, Phillips, Pierce, Plimpton, Porter, Pote, Prince, Purce, Richards, Richardson, Rideout, Rider, Ring, Robinson, Ross, Rowe, Sawyer, Shaw, Simon, Skillin, Spear, Stackpole, Staples, Stephens, Stone, Strout, Sweetser, Thompson, Titcomb, Torry, Trafton, Trickey, Tripp, True,Twombly, Vay, Verrill, Vigeau, Wadsworth, Walker, Whitney, Wilber, Worthley, York , Young. 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $14.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, this encludes dwelling, family, names, age, sex , occupation, birth state, birth state of father, birth state of mother.
NAMES: Adams, Alexander, Anderson, Atwood, Barbour, Bartlett, Beale, Berry, Blaisdell, Bowie, Bowker, Bradshaw, Bridges, Brooks, Brown, Butler, Campbell, Carlson, Carpenter, Cashling, Chandler, Coffie, Coffin, Coggeshall, Colby, Coleman, Crowley, Curtis, Cushing, Darling, Davis, Day, Dodge, Dooley, Douey, Doughty, Drake, Dunning, Dyer, Eatoon, Egnhart, Frickett, Fullerton, Furo, Gilham, Gilliam, Gilman, Gomes, Griffin, Hallett, Harrington, Harris, Haywood, Heald, Hilber, Hill, Holbrook, Hosmer, Hughes, Humiston, Humphrey, Hutchins, Ingalls, Ingraham, Jefferson, Jewett, Jones, Kaiedler, Kelly, Larrabee, Leavitt, Lester, Lowell, Maine, Marcellus, Marr, Maurice, McCourt, McIntire, McKinsey, McCarthy, McDermott, McKinney, McNulty, Merritt, Morel, Morey, Morgan, Morong, Morrison, Morse, Murphy, Nickerson, Oliver, Pease, Percy, Perkins, Pero, Perry, Pettingall, Purrington, Pushard, Pye, Reed, Richardson, Ridley, Rodgers, Rollins, Savage, Sawer, Scott, Sias, Smart, Smith, Spearce, Spencer, Spinney, Sprague, Stacy, Storer, Sweeney, Sylvester, Synnott, Temple, Thomas, Thompson, Todd, Totman, Walker,Wallace, Ward, Webber, Williams, Woodman, Woodward, Wright, Wyman, York and Young. 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $15.00
Transcribed from Micro-film listing dwelling, family, names, age, sex, occupation and BirthState 1208 persons listed.
NAMES: Berry, Bickford, Billings, Black, Blazo, Bradeen, Bridges, Brooks, Butler, Chapman, Chase, Colcord, Cole, Cook, Coolborth, Cousins, Cummings,Danforth, Davis, Day, Douglas, Downes, Durgin, Emery, Floyd, Fly, Folson, Foster, Fowler, Fox, French, Garland, Gibbs, Gould, Haley, Hanscom, Hartford, Hill, Hodgsdon, Holmes, Howard, Hubbard, Hurd,Landis, Larribee, Lewis, Libby, Lord, Lowell, Mardin, Mason, McCartee, McDonald, Merrifield, Merrill, Moody, Moulton, Norton, Osgood, Parker, Patterson,Pearl, Peary, Perry, Peters, Rand, Rice, Redlon, Ridley, Ridlon, Rounds, Sargent, Sawyer, Smith, Snow, Stacy, Stanley, Stone, Swett, Taylor, Towle, Weeks, Wormwood, Thomas.8 ½ x 11 soft cover $12.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, listing dwelling, family #, names, age, sex, occupation and birth State (1241 people) soft cover-sprial bound book. NAMES: Adams, Allen, Bartlett, Bean, Berry, Bowker, Brown, Bryant, Burton, Butters, Cash, Chase, Chipman, Churchill, Cobb, Coffin, Dallingham, Danforth, Davis, Dingley, Douglas, Drew, Duran, Dyke, Edwards, Elwell, Estes, Evnes, Field, Files, Finney, Fisher, Fogg, Foster, Freeman, French, Fulton, Gay, Gerry, Getchel, Gibbs,Gibson, Gordon, Gray, Hall, Hamblin, Hamlin, Hardy, Hayden, Hodgdon, Jackson, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Keen, Kimball, Knight, Lane, Latham, Leach, Libby, Lombard, Longley, Mains, Manchester, Mason, Mathes, McLellan, Merritt, Meserve, Mitchel, Monk, Moody, Morrell, Moses, Mullen, mussey, Nash, Nason, Plummer, Pool Rand, Ricker, Robbins,Robinson, Rolfe, Ross, Russell, Sawyer, Scribner, Shaw, Shurtleff, Small, Smith, Spiller, Stackpole, Staples, Strout, Swan, Symonds, Tenney, Thurlow, Tripp, Tukey, Unfrick, Verrill, Walker, Watkins, Webb, Welch, Wentworth, Wescott, Wilson, Witham, Woodbury
8 ½ x 11 soft cover $15.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, listing, dwelling, family, names, age, sex occupation and BirthState. 1074 persons listed.
NAMES: Abbott, Adams, Ainsley, Avery, Bailey, Bean, Bishop, Blackinton, Blodget, Boyd, Boynton, Bradstreet, Bray, Brown, Burbank, Burnham, Chamberlain, Chaplin, Chapman, Chase, Cheney, Clark, Cogswell, Cole, Conant, Connahan, Copeland, Corrigan, Craig, Cressey, Cronin, Cummings, Damon, Daniels, Darimett, Davenport, Davis, Day, Delany, Dempsey, Dickinson, Dodge, Dole, Donnavan, Doring, Dresser, Dunn, Dunsmer, Durgin, Edgerly, Ellsworth, Emerson, Emery, Ewell, Ford, Foss, Foster, Fraim, Francis, Gadison, Gage,George, Glines, Goodhue, Goodwin, Greeley, Greenwood, Griffith, Hale, Hamm, Hannegan, Hardy, Harriman, Harris, Haskell, Haynes, Hills, Hobson, Horbert, How, Howe, Hubbard, Hutchinson, Ilsley, Jackman, Jamison, Jarvis, Jellison, Jewett, Jocelyn Johnson, Joys, Julian, Keyes, Kimball, Kinsman, Kneeland, Knight, Lambert, Lee, Littlefield, Lowell, Lunt, Mace Mallory, Manning, Martin, Merrill, Mighill, Millett, Moody, Morrison, Nelson, Noyes, Obrien, Packer, Parroll, Payson, Peabody, Pearson, Percy, Perley, Phillips, Pickard, Pierce, Pike, Pingree, Plummer, Poor, Potter, Prescott, Prime, Prachelba, Proctor, Rearl, Reed, Renny, Ricker, Rideout, Rilburn, Risk, Rogers, Ross, Russlel, Sanborn, Saunders, Savage, Sawyer, Scott, Searle, Sherborne, Slocomb, Smith, Spiller, Stickney, Stone, Sutherlan, Tandy, Tarr, Taylor, Tenney, Thomas, Thompson, Thurlow, Todd,Vinton, Wadleigh, Welch, Welds, Whittier, Wilds, Williams, Worthly. 8 ½ x 11, soft cover $12.00
Transcribed from Micro-film –encludes-dwelling, family, names, age, sex, occupation and BirthState.
Names: Alexander, Ames, Anderson, Andrews, Antonice, Averell, Babb, Bacon, Baker, Barrows, Bayley, Bean, Beckford, Bell, Benbrick, Bennett, Berry, Bewker, Bloun, Boothby, Bowers, Bragdon, Brimm, Brown, Bryant, Burnham, Burt, Butterfield, Buttes, Caller, Carmall, Carter, Cate, Chadrack, Chamberlain, Chapman, Chute, Clark, Collins, Coolbroth, Crowly, DeWitt, Deering, Devine, Dolley, Donnell, Douglass, Doval, Dreser, Dyer, Emmons, Fabyan, Farr, Felch, Fellishton, Fenderson, Fetts, Fickett, Finard, Flaurison, Fogg, Folly, Forney, Foss, Foye, Freeman, Frost, Gero, Goodwin, Gorman, Graffam, Granville, Green, Gunnison, Guptill, Gustin, Hamlin, Hanscomb, Hanson, Harford, Harknor, Harmon, Hasty, Hayes, Hearn, Heath, Higgins, Hodgdon, Holmes, Huckins, Hunnewell, Irwin, Jenness, Jewett, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Joss, Kilborn, Kimball, Knight, Larrabee, Lary, Lathrop, Leavitt, Leonard, Libby, Linscott, Lorey, Love, Lowe, Lunt, Manchester, Marr, McKenney, McLaughlin, Merrill, Meserve, Milllett, Milliken, Mitchell, Moody, Moore, Morrison, Morse, Morton, Moses, Moulton, Mullihew, Munroe, Newcomb, Northrup, Nugent, Obrien, Oleson, Page, Palmer, Pennell, Perry, Pillsbury, Plummer, Poland, Pride, Profet, Pugsley, Rackey, Remick, Richards, Ring, Roberts, Robinson, Rounds, Royal, Runnells, Sanborn, Sawyer, Scribner, Seavey, Sewall, Sexton, Sheafe, Sherman, Simpson, Skillings, Skillin, Small, Smith, Snow, Southgate, Sproul, Stacy, Stanford, Staples, Sterling, Storer, Story, Sturdivant, Sullivan, Sumner, Sweet, Sweetser, Taylor, Tebbett, Thomas, Thompson, Thurston, Tibbetts, Towle, Treadwill, Tripp, Tucker, Turner, Varney, Verrill, Walker, Wallis, Warren, Waterhouse, Watson, Webster, Weeks, Welch, Welles, Welsh, Westcott, Sheeler, Shite, Whitney, Wiggin, Wiggins, Williams, Witham and Wood 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $18.00
Transcribed from Micro-film, 1850 Census of Standish, Maine-2291 people. Book gives dwelling, family, names, age, sex, occupation and birth state.
Names: Anderson, Atkinson, Babb, Bacon, Barber, Bean, Berry, Blair, Blake, Bolander, Boothby, Boulter, Bradbury, Bradeen, Bragdon, Bridges, Burnham, Butterfield, Came, Carlton, Cates, Chadbourne, Chaffin, Chase, Clark, Cleaves, Cobb, Cole, Coolbroth, Cooper, Cousins, Cram, Cressey, Crockett, Cummings, Daggett, Davis, Dean, Decker, Dennett, Dingley, Dolloff, Dorsett, Dow, Dresser, Dustin, Eames, Edgecomb, Edwards, Elder, Elwell, Emery, Files, Fogg, Foss, Foster, Francis, Freeman, Gage, Gardner, Gerry, Gifford, Gilkey, Gilman, Goldthwait, Gowen, Gray, Green, Haines, Hall, Hamlin, Hancock, Harding, Harmon, Hartley, Haskell, Hason, Hasty, Hatch,l Hawks, Heath, Hershaw, Higgins, Hobson, Hooper, Howe, Huff, Hutcherson, Irish, Jenness, Johnson, Jordan, Kimball, Kingsbury, Knapp, Knight, Lakeman, Lane, Larrabee, Leavitt, Libby, Littlefield, Lord, Lowell, Lumbard, Maddox, Manchester, Mansfield, Marean, Marr, Marret, Marshall, Martin, Mayberry, Mayo, McCorrison, McCoy, McDonald, McLucas, Mead, Merrill, Meserve, Meservey, Mitchell, Moody, Moore, Morton, Moses, Moulton, Murch, Mussey, Nason, Nichols, Nute, Page, Paine, Parker, Pendexter, Philbrick, Phinney, Pinkham, Poole, Porter, Rackliff, Rand, Rich, Ridlon, Robbins, Rodgers, Rollins, Ross, Rounds, Rummery, Sands, Sanborn, Sargent, Sawyer, Skillings, Small, Smith, Spear, Stevens, Stewart, Stone, Stowe, Strout, Sturgis, Swasey, Swett, Talbot, Tarbox, Taylor, Teague, Thomes, Thompson, Thorn, Tibbets, Tompson, Tripp, Tucker, Tuckey, Tufts, Twombly, Tyler, Usher, Wakefield, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Warren, Waterhouse, Waterman, Weeks, Weeman, Welch, Wescott, West, Weston, Wheeler, White, Whitmore, Whitney, Wiggin, Witchner, Wood, Woodbridge, Yates. York and Young. 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $17.50
NAMES: Alanson, Alley, Alon, Anderson, Arvey, Baker, Bangs, Bean, Berry, Bill, Blake, Bolton, Bonel, Boothby, Boulter, Brackett, Bradbury, Bradeen, Bragdon, Brick, Briggs, Brooks, Brown, Bryce, Budnok, Burbank, Burk, Burnham, Butterfield, Buzzell, Caffield, Calhoon, Calligan, Came, Carolet, Carpenter, Caton, Cela, Chabot, Chadbourne, Chalmer, Chase, Cheley, Chick, Clark, Clement, Clough, Cloushan, Cobb, Cole, Collins, Comstock, Cook, Coolbroth, Couris, Cousins, Cowel, Cram, Crapar, Cravan, Crawton, Cressey, Crockett, Crowin, Cummings, Curan, Curin, Currey, Dardwin, Darog, Davelin, Davis, Day, Decker, Demont, Denmore, Dennett, Derland, Devine, Dingley, Dinsmore, Doffee, Dolan, Dolar, Dole, Dolloff, Donnal, Dossett, Dow, Dresser, Duffee, Duley, Dyer, Eames, Eastman, Edgecomb, Edwards, Ellis, Elwell, Emery, Estes, Evans, Faswie, Ftiz, Flood, Flyn, Fogg, Foley, Foss, Freeman, Furman, Gaghapen, Gilford, Gilherst, Gilman, Given, Goodwin, Gormley, Gowen, Graffam, Graves, Green, Guilson, Haggerty, Haggett, Haley, Hall, Hamblin, Handy, Hanscomb, Harden, Harding, Harmon, Harrington, Haskell, Hasty, Hawkes, Hayes, Higgins, Hill, Hines, Hobert, Hobson, Holmes, Honook, Oopins, Hunt, Hutchinson, Ingalls, Irish, Jackson, Jenniss, Johnson, Jordan, Junkins, Kaffe, Keats, Kelley, Kemp, Kennedy, Kimball, Ing, Knapp, Knight, Landers, Lane, Larrabee, Leathers, Leavitt, Lerry, Libby, Lindsey,McGuer, McKee, McKenna, McLen, McMullen, McQuinn, McRoen, Merrow, Meserve, Miller, Milton, Monor, Mitchell, Moody, Moore, Morir, Morrill, Morton, Moses, Mosset, Moulton, Multif, Murphy, Mussey, Namberor, Nason, Nelson, Nolenan, Norton, Otis, Paine, Parker, Patterson, Pendexter, Pennell, Penney, Perkins, Perry, Peverly, Philbrick, Phinney, Pike, Poor, Pritchard, Quint, Rackliff, Radom, Rand, Rawson, Raymond, Recol, Rich, Richardson, Ridlon, Riley, Rix, Roberts, Robinson, Rodgers, Rounds, Rumery, Runnels, Russell, Sanborn, Sands, Sanford, Sargent, Sawyer, Scammons, Selans, Shackford, Shaine, Shanahan, Shaw, Skillins, Small, Smith, Spear, Staples, Stephans, Stevens, Stewart, Stone, Strout, Sturgis, Swasey, Swett, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Tirsolon, Tompson, Trafton, Treadwell, Trickey, Tripp, Tucker, Tufts, Twigs,Vanna, Walis, Walker, Wanery, Ward, Warren, Warton, Waterhouse, Waterman, Waters, Webster, Weeks, Weeman, Welch, Wescott, West, Wharton, White, Whitman, Whitmore, Whitney, Willis, Wingate, Winslow, Witcomb, Witham, Wood, Woodbridge, Wright, Yates, York and Young 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $17.00
Transcribed from Micro-film-
Names: Abbott, Allen, Anderson, Babb, Bailey , Baker, Ballard, Bellefleur, Berry, Berton, Birch, Bird, Blake, Boothby, Boulter, Brackett, Bradbury, Brooks, Brown, Burnell, Burnham, Buzzell, Cash, Chaplin, Charles, Chick, Clay, Cole, Davis, Decker, Decomier, Dingley, Dole, Dolloff,Douglass, Dow, Dudley, Dunham, Elwell, Emery, Ercan, Estes, Farwell, Ford, Freeman, Furlong, Greene, Greenleaf, Grey, Hamilton, Hamlin, Harmon, Hasty, Hawkes, Higgins, Hill, Holmes, Hooper, Hopkinson, Hubbard, Humphrey, Ingalls, Kenney, Levitch, Lewis, Libby,Lombard, Loring, Lowsell, Manchester, Marean, Martin, Mason, McDonald, McGnoley, Merritt, Milliken, Moses, Moulton, Murch, Nason, Norton, Paine, Pendexter, Phinney, Pike, Plowman, Poor, Price, Quimby, Rand, Randall, Randolfe, Rich, Richardson, Ridlon, Sanborn, Sargent, Sawyer,Shaw, Smith, Spear, Stanley, Staples, Stevens, Stone, Stoughton, Strout, Swansey, Talbot, Tarbox, Thompson, Thorne, Tripp, Usher, Warren, Watson, Webster, Wedge, Welch, Wescott, Wheeler, Whitney, Willard Wood, York and Young. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound soft cover book $12.00
1860 Census of Westbrook typed from Micro-film lising dwelling, household, Names, age, sex, occupation and birth State.
NAMES: Abbott, Adams, Adley, Akin, Alden, Alexander, Allen, Alley, Ambrose, Ames, Anderson, Andrews, Archibald, Armstrong, Ashley, Atkins, Atkinson, Austin, Ayer, Bobb, Babson, Bachelder, Bacon, Bailey, Bibber, Bickford, Bicknall, Bishop, Bixby, Blair, Blake, Blood, Bodge, Bolter, Boman, Bond, Bonney, Boody, Boothby, Bowers, Boyce, Boynton, Brackett, Bradbury, Bradley, Bragdon, Brewer, Brice, Britton, Brooks, Brown, Buckley, Burham, Campbell, Carll, Casey, Chandler, Chapman, Chase, Chenary, Chick, Chute, Clark, Clay, Clements, Cloudman, Cobb,Dill, Dinsmore, Dodd, Dodge, Doland, Dolley, Donahue, Dow, Downing, Duncan, Dunham, Dyer, Edgecomb, Edwards, Elden, Emerson, Elwell, Emery, Estes, Farley, Fernald, Fickett, Fields, Flood, Fluent, Fogg, Foley, Folsom, Forbes, Foster, Frost, Gammon, Gilbert, Goodrich, Gordon, Gould, Graffam, Grant, Graves, Greeley, Guliver, Haggett, Haley, Hamblet, Haney, Hanson, Harmon, Haskell, Hawes, Hays,Huntress, Hutchins, Illsley, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kelling, Kendrinson, Kenney, Kilgore, Kimball,Knight, Leighton, Leonard, Knowles, Lamb, Lane, Lang, Lord, Libby, Mabury, Marshal, Martin, Mason, Maxwell, McAllen, McCarty, McConne, McDonald, McKenzie, Merrill, Morton, Motley, Moulton, Murch, Murphy, Nason, Nelson, Newcomb, Newman, Noyes, Paine, Palmer, Patridge, Pennell,Proctor, Purington, Quimby, Quirk, Rackliff, Rand, Raymond, Redman, Reed, Remick, Richardson, Riggs, Riley, Roberts, Robinson, Rodgers, Russell, Sanders, Savage, Sawyer, Scott, Seal, Shaw, Skillings, Small, Smith, Starbird, Stevens, Stiles, Sweat, Swett, Tapley, Tate, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Torrey, Trickey, Valentine, Varney, Verrill, Walker, Waldron,Wentworth, Wescott, Whitehouse, Whitney, Wilder, Wilson, Winslow, Woodbury, Woodford, Woodman, York8 ½ x 11 soft cover $25.00
Transcribed from Micro-film-the 1860 Yarmouth, Maine Census- listing, dwelling, family, names, age, sex, occupation and birth state.2024 names. NAMES: Abbott, Adams, Allen, Anderson, Atkins, Bacon, Baker, Barbour, Barker, Barrows, Bates, Bearce, Bennett, Benton, bibber, Bisbee, Bishop, Black, Blake, Blanchard, Brackett, Brooks, Brown, Bruce, Buckman, Budd, Burbank, Burke, Burrill, Buxton, Byram, Carpenter, Carter, Caswell, Chandler, Chase, Cheney, Cleaves, Collins, Coombs, Corliss, Cotton, Crooker, Curtis, Cutter, Dana, Davis, Dearborn, Delaney, Denning, Dill, Dolly, Donahue, Doran, Doughty, Dow, Doyle, Drinkwater, Driscoll, Durgin, Dyer, Edwards, Elliott, Evans, Farnbrothers, Field, Fields, Fitzgerald, Fogg, Foley, Foster, Freeman, Gammon, Garvrence, Gilleard, Gooch, Gooding, Grant, Gray, Greely, Greenleaf, Groves, Guptill, Gurney, Hale, Hallock, Hamilton, Harding, Harris, Harvey, Haven, Hill, Hitchcock, Hodgdon, Humphrey, Hutchins, Jackson, Jones, Jordan, Joy, Kayes, Kennerson, Kenney, Lawrence, Leighton, Lewis, Lincoln, Locke, Loring,Lovell, Low, Lowell, Mahoney, Mann, Marsh, Marston, Mason, Mathews, McGrath, McKay, McNelly, McQuire, Meldsam, Merrill, Mitchell, Moxcy, Murphy, Needham, Nichols, Northrup, Noyes, Oakes, Obrien, Osgood, Pane, Parker, Parsons, Pendleton, Penley, perry, Pettingale, Pettis, Philips, Pomroy, Poole, Pratt, Preble, Prince, Randall, Reynolds, Rice, Ring, Roberts, Rogers, Rose, Roster, Royal, Ruby, Russell, Sanborn, Sargent, Sawyer, Scammon, Seabury, Seaver, Shipley, Simmons, Skillins, Small, Soule, Springer, Storer, Stubbs, Sweetser, Thaxter, Thomas, Thompson, Titcomb, Todd, Torry, True,Walker, Warren, Webster, Welch,Whitney, Williams, Winslow, Woods, Worthley, Wyman, Yeaton. 8 ½ x 11 soft cover $18.00
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Maureen Burnham Calnan
87 Rattlesnake Rd
Brownfield, Maine 04010
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